The squash blossoms are really coming on! This variety is new for me this year and is called 'Sunshine.' It is named so for the orange color of the fruit, but the name seems fitting for the sunny yellow blossoms, as well.

How could I resist with this catalog description?
"Vibrant orange-red color, sweet, nutty, creamy, absolutely smooth flesh. Received the prestigious All-American award for 2004. Short 6-8 ft. vines produce an abundance of 3 to 4 pound kabocha type fruits. The sweet, richly flavored flesh is impeccably refined."
Well now, I ask you.....who wouldn't want their squash to be "impeccably refined" ?!

This cute little baby squash with the dried blossom still attached isn't too refined yet. He sort of looks like he is having a "bad hair day." :-)
I look forward to the squash harvest each fall, as it is one of my favorite garden vegetables!
I look forward to the squash harvest each fall, as it is one of my favorite garden vegetables!
hi there, I love squash myself, but my twins never liked it when they were little. Unfortunately, it is not really eaten in Germany - at least not that I know. The pictures are great. You said you'd trade for some rain. We had dry spells in April and a very hot month which was not common for us over here. This is unusual as well. So I guess, we'll trade for a while. Maybe SE Kansas will pass some of the rain they have had/are having too. :-) Take care, Andrea
That is a spectacular combo!! I have always loved the red, white blue combo.. Thanks for visiting my blog.. The red monarda looks great!!!
As for the squash what ways do you plan on eating it..
He does look as if he is having a bad hair day, but boy, is he ever cute! The Sunshine blossom is so cheering.
At first I thought the dried blossom was a toad!
P.S. I've tagged you for the "Seven Random Things About Me" meme. I hope you don't mind!
Beth at Morning Glories
dirty fingernails - I don't get too fancy with squash. We usually just enjoy it baked with butter, salt and pepper. Sometimes, when I am feeling ambitious, I whirl it in the food processor until it's creamy with butter, salt, and a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg.
HA HA HA @ squash with a bad hair day! I feel like mine looks like that some days.
I thought it was a frog, too, as I slowly scrolled down! Funny. I love squash, but mostly fried zuchini.... Sadly, we don't have much luck with zuchini here, or squash...
I don't grow squash - but love the blossoms!
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