In my last post I mentioned a late bouquet I had gathered from the garden on December 5th. This is a definite first for me here in my zone 6b garden. I keep wondering how long this mild weather can hold out, but I am enjoying it while it lasts!
As I meandered around the garden looking for bits of color, this is what I discovered for my December bouquet. The brave flowers are as follows: (roughly from top to bottom) pink Yarrow, Verbena Bonariensis (a bit browned) , Calendula, one lonely Chive blossom, a sprig of Virgo Feverfew, 3 White Pincushion Flowers, a couple stems of blue Sunday Sage and one of pink, one single purple Pincushion Flower, more Calendulas, and finally.....the red foliage of hardy Geranium and the yellowed leaves of Columbine.
This late season color makes the wait for Spring just a little bit shorter. :-)
This late season color makes the wait for Spring just a little bit shorter. :-)
O, wind... If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
~Percy Bysshe Shelley
Fabulous bouquet for a December day!
That is a beautiful December bouquet! You are quite lucky to still have such fabulous blooms in the garden.
How cheerful on this wintery day! Happy Holidays!
isn't it surprising to see just how red the geranium foliage gets? another reason to grow them! All the colours are beautiful but i think the yellow columbine leaves are especially pretty.
Hi Connie, very beautiful, modest in a positiv way. Wonderful December bouquet! Lycky girl to find such a small treasures in your garden, I will talk a walk in the garden toworrow and see what I can find but I seriously don't think I can find any flower at all.
Have a great Sunday/ Tyra
Thank you for an encouraging and uplifting bouquet! The colors and variety are inspiring, as the only bit of color in my garden was an orange bag of leaves blown in by the wind from a neighbor. We have about 2 inches of snow and the temp is 7 degrees this Sunday morning. However, there are geraniums, Laura Bush petunias and one tiny Pansy blooming in the sunroom.
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