Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year Wishes

I can hardly believe another month has gone by...and with nary a post to this blog! It has been a busy month, with preparations for the holidays..... including several handmade projects I made as gifts. (more on that in a later post?)

The above photo was taken on December 6th. I was fascinated to see the cloud formation, which was quite unusual for a Winter sky. Anyone have a name for these type of clouds?


I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a
Happy and Prosperous New Year!!


It is officially time to get out the seed catalogs that have been stacking up, and do some serious shopping! :-)


  1. And a Happy New Year to you!! Not sure of the name of the clouds, Dale called them "angel butts" in a photo he took that was similar. :)

  2. Beautiful photo. And I can't do any better than "angel butts". ;-) Darla

  3. oh, please do post photos of your projects/gifts! that would be sweet.
    Your flowers with snow on them reminded me of when I was on a walk on a country road in the winter and saw a "johnny-jump-up" covered with snow on a hillside and thought to myself, "I want to be a person like that...blooming with beautiful color and bringing glory to God when all other flowers have faded."

  4. Lovely photo of the clouds, sorry I can't help with the name.

    Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed New Year.

    Hugs, Jan

  5. I'm too lazy right now to look up the name of the clouds, but I can later ;). I, too, am getting out seed catalogs to make lists and orders. It is so exciting to plan for a year of gardening. The last two years have been significantly disappointing, but there is always hope for another year! Let's see those projects, Connie!!!

  6. I've always called them "Mackeral" skies because they resemble fish scales and are supposed to be a sign of good weather coming.

    I finished all my Christmas projects just in time and it's nice to start knitting for myself again.

    Happy New Year!

  7. I believe they are Cirrocumulus clouds. Love the picture!

  8. I found your blog yesterday - a jump from another blog. I think I've gone through almost all of your posts.

    I was searching for garden-related blogs, because I want to start planning my garden soon. I have a tiny area, but it's become a favorite hobby.

    Happy New Year! I look forward to your next post


  9. These are nice photos. I like your blog but I wish you wrote a bit more frequently so I could visit it more often.

  10. Your 2009 post, 'A Not so Pleasant Pheasant Sighting' is reproduced on this site

    along with hundreds, even thousands of stolen posts from other bloggers. You may want to alert Blogger of copyright violation. It is obviously for gain as the first block of the blog in question is totally advertising.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Gosh Connie, it's been ages since we've heard anything from you. I hope all is well and that you're enjoying the spring.

  13. Hi Connie,

    Just drop by your blog and impressed by the photo,...

    We call this type of clouds "fish scales" here in Hong Kong / Southern part of China.

    Wish to see more photos from your blog.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Those sedum are to die for. Well done.

  16. These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I happy to find many good point here in the post.

  17. beautiful clouds, if I may call it a cloud that will breed

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  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Pic is awesome!!
    Nice to see that blog.Thanks for sharing...

  21. Cirrocumulus sounds correct to me - I would've just said "fluffy"...


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