Friday, May 11, 2007

Passalong Plants

Don't you just love them? These are the old fashioned plants that have survived in gardens for decades by being handed from one person to another.
A favorite 'passalong plant' in my garden is in bloom now. I call it Grannie Annie's Purple Columbine. It came from my son-in-law's grandmother's house as a tiny seedling a few years ago. It is now in it's glory.... loaded with charming old fashioned 'bonnet' type blooms of a deep purple. Each time I see it, it evokes pleasant memories of the gracious woman from whose home it originated. It is a special plant because it came from a special lady.
Passalong plants are a lovely way to share with friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the email. I will definitely include your write up about passalong plants in the "garden bloggers' book club” post at the end of the month.

    You have some beautiful pictures on your blog and that greenhouse looks wonderful in your garden.

    I’ve added you to my Google Reader so I can check back when you update.

    Welcome to blogging about gardening!

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens


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